Human Performance Safety Solutions
People Centred Safety

People Centred Safety

Supporting people to support the system

Organisational and operational context is critical when implementing systems, processes and procedures that support people to do their best. Keeping people at the centre of organisational considerations will enable them to deliver great services and safe outcomes.

About Me

My name is Kathryn Jones and I have been working in aviation since 1989. I started out working for an airline as a ramp agent, then operations controller, and rostering manager. In 1997, I became a UK CAA inspecting officer (operations). This involved auditing airlines for regulatory compliance across the UK, giving me a broad understanding of the industry from the smallest to the largest organisation. 

Seeking to specialise in fatigue management, I became Head of Scheduling for British Airline Pilots Association. This took me into the International arena at a time of great change for fatigue management approaches. I worked with the European Cockpit Association and the International Federation of Airline Pilot Associations at the start of the development of Ultra Long-Range Operations and Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS). I qualified to be a member of the Institute of Risk Managers in 2006.

In 2008, I returned to the CAA as policy officer for FTL and in 2014 became the Human Factors Programme Lead. I developed the CAA’s HF strategy and action plans. This included extensive collaboration activities with other safety critical industries and as a member of the UK Safety Regulators Human Factors group.

I worked extensively with EASA on the development of Subpart FTL. I represented the CAA on the EASA rulemaking group for 2-pilot Fixed Wing operations, chaired the Air Taxi and Emergency Medical Services rulemaking group, was in the EASA pool of experts for FTL and on the Mirror group for the study to review of the regulations. I provided evidence to the UK Parliamentary Transport Committee FTL Inquiry and to the EU Parliament Transport Committee hearing on FTL.

From 2009 I represented the UK on the ICAO Fatigue Management and the development of the ICAO Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPS) for Fatigue Management (Prescription and FRMS) for Annex 6 and Annex 11. I worked on the development of the guidance material, ICAO Doc.9966, and revisions (to date), including as the editor of the ICAO Helicopter Operator guidance manual. I worked on the development of the ICAO Covid-19 alleviations for fatigue management and human factors and represented the regulators view during the ICAO webinar on fatigue management in 2020 (available on ICAOtv).

I was a member of the ICAO Human Performance taskforce and worked extensively as part of development and the core writing team for the recently published Human Performance Manual for Regulators (Doc.10151). 

I have delivered fatigue management and HF training for regulators and industry through CAA International. Delivering training in the UK and globally (EASA, Malaysia, Brunei, Kuwait, Dubai, Mauritius, Cyprus, Bahrain). I have delivered presentations to conferences on fatigue management and HF in the UK and Internationally, including for ICAO, IATA and the FRMS Forum.

I was awarded a Masters in Air Safety Management (distinction). My thesis focused on the impact of the psychological contract on pilots’ safety behaviours. 

I am a qualified Civil and Commercial Mediator (with the UK Civil Mediator Council) and offer this service both as part of safety consultancy and independently for clients seeking mediation servicies. 

What I offer

I will be offering a range of consultancy and training services for organisations in safety critical industries, mainly focused on the following areas: 
  • Fatigue Management Approaches 
  • Application of Human Performance Principles
  • Application of Systems Thinking approaches

I also offer mediation services for a range of disputes. This could be associated with my safety consultancy, and also independently in support of general civil or commercial disputes. My focus is on facilitating discussions to allow parties to develop a resolution.


Passionate about supporting people in aviation and safety critical industries to enable them to do their best in support of safety. 

Kathryn Jones


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